About Ava
Ava Marce´ lives on Long Island in New York and loves romance. From the time she was a pre-teenager, you would find her with a Harlequin romance novel in hand. She loved getting lost in the lives of the heroines and the exotic places the authors would describe so vividly.
As an adult, Ava’s imagination continued to take flight, set in motion by two discovery. The iPad and e-books. Reading romance novels without a doubt was Ava’s ultimate hobby then and is to this day.
The discovery of e-books propelled her eventual realization that she wanted to and could write those novels she read. She asked herself, who better to use her dynamic imagination to bring to life characters and scenes of requited love?
Again, thanks to e-books, Ava had another revelation during this illuminating phase of her life. Her love of MM romance. There is only one word to describe why she loves MM romance. Amazing. Discovering love, searching for love, broken hearts, fulfilled love… That and so much more attracted her to the genre. Needless to say, Ava entered the world of romance writing, and even though she is to this day, amazed by many of the authors in the genre, she continues to work to find her place in this world of romance and reciprocated love.